Meet the team

NLP Aalborg/ Center for Unges Livsmestring, DENMARK
Method/ Tool Development
NLP Aalborg/ Center for Unges Livsmestring is a well-established, private educational center and school, founded in 2007. NLP Aalborg teaches and educates around 200 students yearly in certified professional coaching – NLP – short for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. In 2019 Center for Unges LIvsmestring became a subdivision of NLP Aalborg focusing on developing and co-creating innovative tools and methods for youngsters attending youth education to help them cope with educational and everyday life and hereby improve life quality in general. The subdivision is the creator and fundraiser of the DIGI LIVES project. NLP Aalborg/ Center for Unges Livsmestring has an extensive national and international network of public and private partners; including European partners in three Erasmus+ projects.

University College of Northern Jutland, DENMARK
Research/Project Management
University College of Northern Denmark (UCN) was established on the 1. of January 2008 after the passing of the Danish Act on University Colleges of Higher Education in 2007. UCN became the first Danish University College to offer education competencies within the business – and technology – oriented fields in addition to education and research within education/social studies and health. UCN has approx. 10,000 students and 1,000 employees and offers close to 40 different study programs.

Techcollege, DENMARK
VET/ Administrative Management
TECHCOLLEGE is one of the largest providers of vocational education and training in Denmark with approximately 3200 full-time students and 600 employees. It offers a wide range of vocational education, training, and general upper-secondary exams. It also offers vocational adult continuing education for professionals.

Vividly, LATVIA
Digital software development
Vividly is an internationally recognized immersive (VR/XR) technology SME founded in 2016. Most of the work is related to improving communication, visualization of urban planning and architecture, analyzing user experiences, and consulting cities on meaningful use of technology for citizen engagement and community building. Since late 2018 Vividly team invests time and effort to improve the Cultural and Educational sector and collaborates with eTwinning to provide teachers with training on immersive technologies. Vividly team members are mentors and supporters for several Edtech, cultural tech, and gaming hackathons.

GIP-FTLV of Burgundy is a vocational training organization depending on the Ministry of National Education. It provides support to the Rectorate at Dijon’s Académie in organizing innovative vocational training actions and developing projects that require expertise in training engineering.

Established in 1955, IAL FVG is a VET provider and practitioners with more than 60 years of experience: in the last three years IAL FVG delivered VET services to an average of 10.000 students in the age bracket from 13 to 64. With more than 400 employees and 8 training centers, IAL is the leading organization in the regional VET field. The institution is involved in training, research, guidance and advice in Friuli, Italy and even at EU level.

IversenInc. specializes in systemic sustainability and co-creation. We offer research and systemic facilitation to private companies and public organizations. We hold a special focus on participation and empowerment. The research we perform builds on methodology from action research and design-based research. There is a close link between our research and the task of facilitating organizational development. The core in both facilitation and research is what you could call ‘problem-based innovation’. The point of departure is always the context with its unique characteristics, challenges, values, and visions. And always ‘people based’. Our mission is to create a humane and sustainable society building on collective creativity and local engagement.