Invite the students

Why not invite students to be co-creators of school development and decision-making? There is a great source of inspiration to be found in asking the students about their perspectives on everyday school life. In DIGI LIVES, we set out to explore the student perspective on study start and study climate. Using co-creation methodologies, we gained access to valuable and imperative information.

Students as experts!

Across nationalities, students are very positive towards being involved in development and decision-making at the schools. The Youth Perspective Report outlines several focus areas and gives recommendations for improving study start and study climate. It can serve as inspiration at the partnering VETs as well as at VET schools across Europe.

Student perspectives

In DigiLives the accompanying research has the task of supplying a research based and qualified youth perspective on the project scope. This being both the project themes and the project results. Due to the overall project methodology being co-creation, not alone does it make great sense to involve the students, it would be a mistake not to. Across nationalities, students are very positive towards being involved in development and decision-making at the schools. The Youth Perspective Report outlines several focus areas and gives recommendations for improving study start and study climate. It can serve as inspiration at the partnering VETs as well as at VET schools across Europe. In the Youth Perspective Report, you will, among other things, find the student perspective on; how it is to be a new student, the importance of the student-teacher relationship, and how the physical and psychological environment at the school influences the students’ experience of study life. There are recommendations of what to be aware of as a teacher, a school, or an organization to accommodate diversity, enhance inclusion, and prevent drop-out. For a closer look and a much more detailed description of the inner logics of the project elements and approaches check out the Youth Perspective Report in the link below.

Also, the research team carries out the final evaluation of the tools developed within the project. As in the Youth Perspective Report we are interested in the student, or the youth perspective. Hence the evaluation is based on the students assessing the functionality and relevance of the tools. If this renders you curious, check out the Research Evaluation Report in the link below.